On the 12th Day of Christmas

Well, we have reached the FINAL day of our 12 Moda Days of Christmas! 
We hope you have gotten some stocking stuffing inspiration and had a little fun along the way. 

Enjoy our final day & don't forget to go by your Favorite Local Quit Shop 
to pick up some of your favorite things for your friends stockings. 

We wish you all a Very Merry Christmas & hope Santa is good to you all!  

What's not to love about the AccuQuilt Cutting Machines?

They just make cutting so simple and effortless. Who wants to spend their valuable time cutting those intricate designs when the Go! Cutter can do it for you in a fraction of the time and with perfect precision. 

We love these easy FREE Christmas projects from Accuquilt...  
(click each image for the free downloadable pattern) 

Like this Santa Pillow Case.
here are its coordinating dies... 

And this adorable Snow Man Family wall hanging... 
and its coordinating dies...

We used our Go! Baby to make these adorable Christmas Gift Ornaments... 

But aside from the Holidays they have tons of wonderful dies for your everyday projects! 

We really like this Free Mix & Match Quilt Block Pattern Idea which shows you how to combine quilt blocks to create pieced blocks like those shown or come up with your own!  

How fun is this Braided Beauty Quilt?

So as you can see, the possibilities are endless with the AccuQuilt Go! Cutters. 

The AccuQuilt Go! & Go! Baby make for the ULTIMATE in Quilty Christmas Gifts!


  1. I think santa should leave this for me because I am teaching my 8 year old daughter to quilt and this would be perfect for her so she can cut her own blocks. She would love it!

  2. I have been drooling over the AccuQuilt for what feels like forever! This would be the ultimate Christmas gift. I have Parkinson's Disease and it is getting harder to cut out shapes so this would help immensely. Thank you for the opportunity to win such a fabulous gift!

  3. It's incredible! This would open up a whole new world of how I would quilt! Wonderful giveaway!!!!

  4. I would absolutely love for Santa to bring my an AccuQuilt. It would help speed up the process so I can get to piecing and quilting (my favorite part) sooner. Love it! Thanks for the great giveaways!

  5. I am really crossing my fingers for this one!! Always wanted one!! Merry Christmas!!!

  6. I think Santa should leave this for me because my friends and I just started making an effort to get together once a month to sew/craft, and it would be so nice to have one of these to take along. I'd even be so nice as to let my friends borrow it on occasion! Thank you so much for the chance to win :)

  7. I love making hexie quilts, but I hate cutting out the hexies, this would be great for that!

  8. My least favorite part of quilting is cutting, so an AccuQuilt baby would be awesome!

  9. Presentão seria para mim,estou economizando para comprar um destes,se ganhar posso comprar um pouco de tecido.
    Obrigada.Feliz Natal!


  10. I'm dreaming of an Go!Baby to make my quilting days merry and bright. Putting two sons through college means that is all I have been able to do- dream.

  11. I would love to find this in my stocking as I would love to make beautiful projects like the ones pictured! I am very slow at cutting, so having something to speed me up would be amazing!

  12. I would love Santa to bring me a Go Baby so that my girlfriends and I could revolutionise our sewing days! Piecing, applique, binding.. with the cutting done in an instant we'll have more time to eat, drink and finish those projects!

  13. I would love to find this under my tree. I hate cutting and the Go Baby is such a great size since storage in my studio is always an issue. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  14. This looks like so much fun!!! After all....my sewing room isn't overflowing all over the house. Really!

  15. I've just started doing appliques, so I think Santa knows I could use this to be even more creative. This is a great giveaway!

  16. Well I have been really good this year! also as I get older I seem to be getting some arthritis in my hands so a Go! would be a great help!

  17. Santa, I would love this in my stocking to let my class/bee ladies enjoy - they have all been so good this year.

  18. Oh, I love to win this and give it to my daughter for Christmas. She would be over the top excited. She's a busy mom raising three children so I know the Go Baby would make her quilting life much easier and simpler.

  19. Oh, I'd love a Baby GO! So cute and so handy!

  20. I would really, really like to find the Go Baby under my Christmas tree this year. It would help so much with that pesky thing known as "accuracy". Thanks!

  21. I would love to win this to expand my quilting skills. I have long wanted to learn applique, but I must admit to being nervous about cutting all those oddly shaped pieces...this would go a long ways to improving my confidence!

    caribousmom (at) gmail (dot) com

  22. my girls and I would have fun with this! so many possibilities! thanks for the chance


  23. I would love to win a baby go cutter because it would save me lots of time in cutting. It would enable me to getting more quilting done.

  24. Santa knows I am not the best at cutting and I end up having not so great triangles, hexies, etc. What a thrill to have this under my tree on Christmas morning!

    ladara at cfl dot rr dot com

  25. I would love to win the Go Baby! My son passed away a couple of months ago and to help keep me occupied I have been rearranging my fabric. I have alot more than I realized. Something to help cut it with would sure be a blessing!

  26. I am about to have another baby so this Baby would help me to continue quilting by saving a lot of time! Please leave this in my stocking! Thanks for the chance to win!

  27. Now that we are just finishing up my new Craft room in the basement, I would love to get into making bigger quilts and this would be perfect! I've made a few basic square design quilts but this would be help!

  28. I would love to have accurately cut pieces, especially for applique. I have drooled over these cutters for ages! I didn't expect to get one this year but winning one would be a wonderful Christmas surprise!

  29. My holidays would be MADE this year if I won a Go! cutter. Cutting fabric is the slowest and least fun part of sewing and quilting. A die cutter would bring me so much happiness in the coming year!

  30. I really need Santa to bring me this Go! cutter! I have VERY limited time for sewing/quilting and this would make the process so much faster!

  31. I'd love a chance to win. I've recently decided I really need one of these!! Merry Christmas!

  32. Well, I have been itching to try one of these. Also enough hand, wrist pain to make serious cutting a challenge.

  33. I think I will have to (AccuQuilt)GO and see what happened to the
    11th day of Christmas...unless it will be tomorrow because today is the 12th! I'd love a way to speed up time as you all have done, so please find my stocking so I can. L

  34. I really hope Santa leaves this for both me and my 12 year old daughter! I just bought her a sewing machine for Christmas and this would be wonderful to have for her and I to use together and start on some really cool projects!

  35. These looks like such awesome machines. Thanks for the chance.

  36. I've been a very good girl this year and Santa needs to bring one of these!

  37. I would love for santa to leave me the Go cutter because, after years of quilting, I am noticing that my hands really are sore and stiff after using a rotary cutter. The last thing I am going to do is slow down with my quilting so a Go Cutter is definitely in my future!

  38. OMSanta, please leave the Go in my stocking that I have hung with care.. of course it is a quilted stocking and it would have gone together much quicker with all of the cutting done with the Go.. but I will be ready for next year....

  39. Oh, wow!! I'd love to have this in my stocking to make applique shapes quicker and easier to cut! Woot!!

  40. I follow your blog. This looks like a great tool for quilting!

  41. Santa should bring me this because I'm so new to quilting and I need help with everything, especially cutting out all the pieces!!

  42. This would be so AMAZING for Santa to bring this to me! I have wanted one of these! Hopefully he knows that I would use this everyday of the new year!

  43. The Go Baby would be just perfect to save time in cutting especially for applique! Who wouldn't love to find this in their stocking!

  44. Wow, I would be the happiest quilter in the WORLD if Santa was to give me the Go Baby. Just think of all the beautiful things I could make!

  45. I would love an AccuQuilt Baby for Christmas! Thanks for the chance to win.

  46. Oh my! Santa this would be the most awesome thing to find in my stocking. I can't even dream of buying one, even though I look! I have been very good!

  47. Dear Santa,

    I would so like this in my stocking as I have been eying it for so long now. It would make so much easier to cut fabric.

  48. I would love to win one from Santa. If he gave me one i think i would give it to Deb C. (# 2 in the comments). I get frustarated with the shakes from low blood sugar drops and can't even imagine what it would be like to have the shakes from Parkinson's all the time while trying to sew!

  49. Would be so awesome to speed up to cut all those hexagons!

  50. I would love to win this and share it with my friends whom I get together to sew with....such a treat.

  51. I would love this left in my Christmas stocking because it would so much fun to play with some different shapes without having to cut them myself.. Thanks for the chance.

  52. I already follow your blog & I would like one of these to cut hexagons & to make applique projects for my grandkids.

  53. I think Santa should leave me an AccuQuilt Go! Baby in my stocking because the design possibilities are endless with all of the dies that are available. I have been looking at purchasing one, but something else has taken away my opportunity (like needing new tires). Thanks for the chance.

  54. Oh my... I would be over the moon THRILLED to have this appear at my house! Definitely a major wish list item. Thanks for a fingers & toes crossed chance at one!

  55. I am a follower, thanks for another chance.

  56. I would love to find this under the tree this year. It would open up wonderful new options for my quilting. Thanks for the chance.


  57. This would be amazing! It would speed up cutting so much!!!

  58. Santa, if you would only leave an AccuQuilt under my tree this year. The older I get, the harder it is to cut small pieces accurately. It would certainly speed up the process so I can get to piecing and quilting which I love. Thanks for the great giveaways!

  59. Wow! Think of how much time this would save me!

  60. Oh Santa Baby - I would love a Go Baby! Thanks for the giveaway.

  61. Oh! Pick me!! I have a girlfriend who has one and it is so cool!! I would LOVE to have one!!

  62. This IS the biggie! Thanks for the opportunity.

  63. i've been wanting to start some epp, and this would really help alot keeping everything uniform

  64. What a dream it would be to find an AccuQuilt Go Baby under the tree. Perfect for sew many projects in 2013. Thank you for the chance.

  65. this has been on my wish list for months! it would be nice to win one :)

  66. Oh, please, Santa! Give It to me, I'm a good girl, and you know always I do my best!

  67. I have heard so much about these, that I would love to try ! Thanks

  68. I have lots of Grand kids to sew for, please Santa! I would love this prize!

  69. All the applications I could make for my kids cloths if I had this....
    Keep my fingers crossed

  70. Wow what a wonderful prize. Santa please bring it to me to help me make beautiful quilts like Braided Beauty!

  71. Well Santa, I've been a pretty good quilter this year. I would love an AccuQuiltGoBaby in my stocking! Please pick me!

  72. I would love for Santa to leave this for me because my daughter and I would just have so much fun making things with it!

  73. Oh my goodness, this would be a WONDERFUL stocking stuffer. More like a stocking buster.

  74. This is not a stocking stuffer but a gift. Of course I would not mind finding it in my stocking this Christmas!

  75. Oh my gosh, what a great giveaway! I would love to have one if these!

  76. What a wonderful finish to the giveaways. This would be a super stocking stuffer - more like a super gift for more quilting fun!

  77. Oh gosh, I'd better get sewing quickly to make a stocking large enough for that awesome gift from Santa. I can really use a Go Baby as it makes it easier and quicker to cut the fabrics. Five hand surgeries in the past two years have not made things better but, sadly, caused new things like dropping stuff and weaker grip.

    Santa should also realize it belongs in my home right now because I seem to be collecting Babies so why not the Go Baby too? We have a cat named Baby. My son/finacee move in temporarily with, yep, a baby (our 10 month old (as of yesterday) Granddaghter) and their two dogs have also now given us FOUR babies themselves about a month ago soooooo you see, the Go Baby needs to keep all my other Babies company. haha (anyone want those puppies though? They need to go, even if they're purebreds!) LOL

  78. Santa,
    If I got this in my stocking I would..
    1. Not ask for anything else.
    2. Not have to borrow my friends for all my projects.
    3. Be on my best behaviour all year long.
    4. Make you a quilt to keep you warm.
    Love, Barb

  79. Why? Well because knowing (a) my excitement for winning this prize and (b) my age I would probably pee just a little if I won this awesome prize!!!!! Sooooooooooooo please oh please pick me!!!!

  80. Because I NEED it!!!!

    Thanks for sharing such an incredible prize!

  81. I think this needs to be in my stocking because I love to make snowflakes! I definitely need to get a bigger stocking so the GO! Baby will fit. Merry Christmas everyone!

  82. I would love Santa to bring me a AccuQuilt Go Baby
    so I can cut out my quilt pieces more quickly.
    Thanks for the chance to win. Merry Christmas!

  83. I think that Santa will check his list and find I have been more "Nice" then "Naughty"! I would love to try out the "Go".
    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  84. Santa should give me one because I'm a horrid klutz and my fingers and a rotary cutter are a recipe for disaster.

  85. This has been so much fun! I need a GO! Baby in my stocking to speed up my cutting! Thanks.

  86. Thank you so much all the giveaways but this is the best. Please oh please !!!! for me please.

  87. I'd love to win this! I'm a fulltime working mom that loves to quilt and this would be such a time saver for me! Thanks for the chance to enter!

  88. Did you hear me squeal over this one?! I would adore having one of these! I'm kind of new to the fusible, cut out kind of projects and I'm loving them. What a time saver this would be! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win one!

  89. My husband quit buying me gifts many years ago but perhaps Santa will leave me this perfect gift. Merry Christmas to all!

  90. I would love to learn to do applique and this would make cutting the shapes easier.

  91. Oh Santa! Please Santa! (I have that song stuck in my head) Make my Christmas dream come true! A little baby would make my sewing days a dream. Thanks for the fun!

  92. I would love to have one of these! Especially so that I can die cut hexagons for English Paper Piecing. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

  93. Santa, I would be so grateful for this little baby!!! I have so many ideas to put this sweet gift to work!!!

  94. Oh how I would love this, the applique possibilities would be endless! Thanks for all of the wonderful give aways, it has been fun seeing all of the neat quilter treats out there.

  95. What a wonderful present this would be! I've always wanted an AccuQuilt! Santa, I've been very good this year!

  96. This is a dream! I'm so excited for the person who is going to win this!!!

    Dear Moda Santa,

    I'd be blessed to win this machine so that my dear mother-in-law and I could make beautiful quilts together (quilting is our bonding time and therapy of sorts) for others. :) Thank you Moda! Merry Christmas!

  97. Lovely present! Wish I could get one this year.

  98. I would love an AccuQuilt Go! Baby because i'm teaching myself to quilt and have made a couple of things But the cutting is a problem. I can never seem to get a consistent look.
    Please Santa-- I would really help me make perfect quilts.
    I've been good this year-i promise.
    Thank You and
    Merry Christmas!

  99. This has been on my wish list for a long time. Please Santa...

  100. This would make quilting so much easier and a lot more fun:) Would love to win one!

  101. This would be so nice to win. I'm trying to learn how to applique. Thank you Santa for the 12 days of Christmas and I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas.

  102. Santa knows how I love to do applique hand work, but my scissor shapes are not always accurately cut, and I am so limited in the shapes that do right now. I could make so many more things so easily with this cutter!!!

  103. Do I even need to say why I would want any AccuQuilt product? I have been drooling over their products for years but have never been able to get any.

  104. Santa I've been very good this year...I can't imagine all the hours of fun that I could have sharing this with the children am teaching to sew! Hours of giggles and creating.....

    sowingstitches [at] gmail [dot] com

  105. I would love to have this in my stocking! I make Rag Quilt Purses and have been thinking about ways to applique to enhance my projects! This would be just the boost I need!

  106. Oh Santa, I have been wanting one of these for a long time! I love to quilt and am making all my family quilts and this would let me get them their quilts so much quicker!

  107. I would love for Santa to leave me a Go! as it would save me time and increasing arthritis! I would be able to "crank" out more quilts, and give more to our guild's charitable causes (QOV and children). Thanks for the chance to win!

  108. Wow -- I would love a GoBaby for Christmas. Oh what fun could be had, if only I win this one. What fun it was to follow Moda's 12 days of Christmas.

  109. Sweet! I keep seeing these around, but I haven't tried one yet. What a great time-saver :)

  110. always wanted to do a bargello but cutting those strips is rather daunting - love one of these to do the cutting for me.

  111. Santa - please bring me this - I love the ease and accuracy with which it would cut shapes!

  112. I am just starting to do applique quilts and this would be wonderful for that.

  113. Please Santa make my year! I'd love one of these in my stocking. I would share it with my quilting group and let everyone have a Go! Thanks for the chance to win it.

  114. I would love to own this as I love to make quilt and easy quilts and it would save lots of time, plus be more accurate than using scissors and templates. I have been very very good this year!

  115. I'd love for Santa to bring me a Go! Baby. It would save me so much time on hexies!!!

  116. I'd like Santa to leave this in my stocking because I think I could get into hexies in a big way, but dread all of the tedious cutting out of paper AND fabric involved.

  117. How cute are those quilts! Would love to have one of these, I am an appliquer at heart and this would make it easy to create all sorts of things!

  118. I would love to win a GoBaby for Christmas. I would love to use the Christmas dies. They look so fun and cheery. Thank you for this great giveaway.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  119. I would love to win this Go! Baby.
    It would certainly make it a lot easier to cut applique shapes. I
    have had a stroke, and using scissors can be difficult at times.
    Thanks for the chance to win!!


  120. Wow, what an amazing giveaway! I would love to have this, as I am a fairly new quilter and it would open up a world of new knowledge and skills!

  121. Oh, Santa I have been a good girl!

  122. That would be "totally awesome" to win.

    Thanks for the opportunity and Merry Christmas!


  123. My grandaughter is ready to make quilt blocks with more than squares. The Go! would cut more complex pieces accruately - making her quilting much easier and more satisfying.
    -- Susan on Cape Cod

  124. Santa, I really need this, have wanted one forever. Why- because Kate-you know my four year old grand daughter has decided that I should make a Baltimore Album Quilt for her, her girl cousin, her boy cousin, and her brother. She is claiming the one done with needle turn and I think the rest will need to be machine applique. Thanks for making Kate's wish come true!

  125. I WANT to win this for my friend, Joan, who is a breast cancer survivor and who has been an incredible source of inspiration and supporter to me, (I am also a survivor). I would love for Joan to have this as I know she wants one so badly and can't afford to buy one. Oh please, please Santa, for Joan......

  126. Santa I want a goBABY, because I'm a good mother and have raised 6 wonderful children, what's one more and the bonus....no labor and delivery. :)

  127. Santa knows I need this in my stocking so that I can Do more cutting faster! After all look what he does in just one night!

  128. Accuquilt has been on my list for two yrs now!

  129. I've been wanting one of these fior eons! Why? so that I can cut my cutting time and do more piecing and sewing! :-)

  130. With this AccuQuilt Go I could maybe master some applique projects. I have arthritus in my hand so I have a hard time cutting shapes. Please Santa leave this for me I have been very good this year.

  131. As hard as I try, I am not always successful at accurate cutting. What a wonderful help this would be, then I could spend more time sewing and have all my pieces fit together nicely!

  132. I would love to be able to use the GO BABY to cut out the pieces for my next quilt. They have so many different dies for the cutter that I would love to try!

  133. I would love for Santa to leave this under my tree. I've been looking at the AccuQuilt machine for a while, but they're a little out of my price range. I could make so many things with this.

  134. I've got a quilting buddy who would just love to get this in her stocking. I already have one.

  135. What a difference from the days when every piece was cut by hand with scissors! This would be great fun!

  136. Would love to get this, as I'm fairly new to quilting and accurate cutting is still a developing skill.....

  137. I'm already pretending to be Santa and thinking of all the things that I will create with my Accu-Quilt! Thanks so much for this great chance!

  138. I'd love a quick fun way to cut out applique shapes plus it would be a fast way for my mom to be able to cut squares and strips.

  139. I would love to have a Go! It would make my quilting life so fun!

  140. I plan to churn out some quilts for a new charity I found out about www.kidkottage.org over the holidays and the Go! Baby would save me soooo much time!

  141. I would So love love to have this!!!!! I can just imagine....picture a little cloud over my head with a quilt slideshow going on.....the beautiful quilts I can make and really fast:)
    Thanks for the chance!!!!

  142. Finding this in my stocking would be a dream come true! My quilting would take on a whole new direction!

  143. I would love to win a baby go cutter because it would save me lots of time in cutting. Thanks for opportunity

  144. Sure hope Santa 'Baby' has my name on his list to leave this Accuquilt 'GO! Baby' under my tree....what fun it would be to share with my crafty friends! Thanks for the sweet giveaway!

  145. Since having a grandbaby....I can just imagine all sorts of things that I could do with this!!

  146. Have drooled over these since they came out but could not justify the cost. What a brill super Christmas Surprise for ME this would be *fingers crossed*

  147. Oh Oh, I would so love to win this Baby! My granddaughter would have her own machine and would not have to borrow my GO! I love it so much!

  148. I think this should be in my stocking because I am not good at cutting shapes. This would expand my quilting and appliqué talents immensely.

  149. Please pick me! I will be good for ever and it will fit in my stocking ,i wanted it for years but it is not availible here in Belgium. Thanks for the chance.

  150. I would be like a quilting queen with this in my sewing room...Santa I never, ever win anything please pick me!!!!

  151. This would save me so much time with all my applique projects. What a wonderful gift this would be.

  152. I need one because my cutting doesn't seem to be very accurate! :)

  153. Oh WOW! This would be the most ultimate Christmas present EVER! Thank you for the chance to win it!

  154. I love making hexies, and this would make the process so much faster! I would also do more applique, I hate cutting out all those pieces!

  155. Santa
    Please leave this Acuquilt Go Baby in my stocking, I have 2 new granddaughters 5 & 7 months old and oh the cute quilts and appliquing I could do for them,it would be so much fun:)

  156. I would love for Santa to leave this in my stocking because my husband is retiring in two weeks and I will need this to help keep him busy ;)

    Just think - he could cut and I could sew - it's a nice little dream, right?

  157. Dear Santa,

    All I want for Christmas is an Accuquilt Go Baby!



    P.S. I promise I've been very good and cleaned up all of those messy scraps in my craft room. Having the Go Baby just might help me get those unfinished projects done so I have more time to be naughty...I mean, nice.

  158. I would LOVE to have this! With two small boys in tow, anything that can speed up my projects would come in handy.

  159. I would love Santa to leave this in my stocking. I am a new quilter and would love help getting the pieces I cut to be more accurate. Also, my 14-year-old daughter is showing an interest in quilting, and she would LOVE this tool! Thanks Santa!

  160. Oh my, this would be perfect for my 26 year old daughter - she had complications from surgery that kept her out of work from Feb - Aug. This would certainly make her smile. :)

    Thanks for a fun give away!

  161. Let me stay thank you ahead of time Santa !!

  162. Oh my goodness...I can't possibly imagine winning this!!!
    Thanks for the chance to win these wonderful gifts!

  163. I would love to find one under the tree because it would be so awesome to get something so cool under the tree!

  164. Cutting fabric is my least favorite part of the quilting process, so I would love to win this wonderful tool. Thanks for the chance.

  165. Dear Santa, If you pick me I would just GO GO crazy with happiness - best Christmas gift ever!!

  166. OMG, Santa please pick me! pick me! I need this because it will make me very very happy!

  167. This in my stocking would be too good to be true!

  168. I have found that I adore appliqué quilting, and the AccuQuilt Go! Baby would step up my game with precise, accurate designs!

  169. I would love Santa to bring me an Accuquilt. Appliqué is my favorite look but my cutting skills are below par for intricate shapes. Santa I could use the help.

  170. Ohhhh I would love for Santa to leave this in my stocking! Cutting out wedding ring quilt pieces would be so much easier!Baby quilts with applique! The possibilites are endless!

  171. Oh please please please Santa I have been wishing for a very long time. I have been a good quilter. All my fabric is washed ironed and tucked into the closet. All my thread lined up at attention. My sewing machine is ready to buzz. All we need it finely cut shapes to sew. Please oh please Santa stop at my house
    Thank you for the 12days of fun and excitement

  172. This comment has been removed by the author.

  173. Because I've been awlfully good ths year? Because I have stiff fingers? Oh, please, just cause I'd like to have it?

  174. I believe Santa should send this my way because it has been on my wish list ever since I returned to quilting. Since my 62nd birthday is only a week & 1/2 after Christmas, it would cover both presents(for several years at least) and make my arthritic hands so much happier.


  175. Oh my I have been wanting this for so long. I have plenty of fabric to cut up into wonderful shapes with this tool. Thanks for the chance to win one! Fingers crossed and hopeing

  176. i would love to win! i could work through some scraps and my kids could help! pretty please with a quilt on top*!!
    (*that is what my son says when he really really wants something!)

  177. I have had a really rough week and I think Santa knows I have been good this year and deserve something positive to happen.

  178. How did Moda know this was on my list this year? So excited for the chance... thank you!

  179. Oh what a fantastic gift, I could make lots of lovely things with it and make many more people happy like I will be if I get it!

  180. Santa - this is the first item on my Christmas list!!! Please, please - I promise to use it every day and I'll put it somewhere safe and I'll take such good care of it!!

  181. I am so terrible at cutting fabric that my poor husband does it for me...we would both love it if I won this incredible giveaway!

  182. If santa brought me this
    I could applique ,,,, everything!

  183. Improved accuracy and ease of cutting would be a big plus.

  184. Oh.....Santa baby! I can see myself cutting with this right now!!! What cute things Mrs. Clause could make!

  185. Dear Santa
    I would really love to win this Go Baby because I could make some really cute things for my babies and even let them help!!!
    Thank You Santa Claus
    Love Finnie

  186. I'd love Father Christmas to leave this under my tree because my mam would like to try quilting but really, really struggles with using a rotary cutter - this would be perfect!

  187. I want Santa to leave this Go Baby with me because I've been good all year. Santa would make my year with this gift. Merry Christmas to all.

  188. I fell in love with these some time ago so if Santa bought me one I would be in heaven

  189. Santa, I've tried to be extra good this year. I'd love a cute little GO! Baby. I'd promise to take good care of it, feed it beautiful fabric and create beautiful things with it. As I have a little sewing room the baby is the perfect size for me to leave out on my cutting table all the time, plus take with me to sew-cials.


  190. a perfect prize! so nice to have another chance at winning a go!baby! thanx amil for the chance.

  191. Dear Santa, I have been VERY good this year and with 3 beautiful children under 4 they do not leave me a lot of time to cut out, I would love a little GO baby to help me create beautiful quilts for my friends and family.

  192. My oh my, think of all the fun things I can make for the grand babies!! Would really love to win this one!!

  193. I'd like to give it to my 82 year old mother in law as a gift. She introduced me to quilting and has been my biggest supporter. She has not been quilting as much lately because she is finding it difficult to use the cutter and scissors.

  194. Oooh, please pick me!!! I want one of these to cut out letters for applique!

  195. Oh, the things I create create if Santa brought me my very own Go!Baby. The possibilities are endless. Please Santa, I have been extra good this year!

  196. I NEED this! PLease Santa I really really want an Accuquilt GO! Baby!!

  197. Oh Santa, you got my letter. You know this is on my list. thanks for this opportunity to win this. Santa ROCKS!!!

  198. Just a perfect way to end the 12 Days of giveaways. Love to win.

  199. I hope Santa leaves a Go Baby under my tree this Christmas. It would make my cutting pieces more precise,which I desperately need help with. I would be able to get more projects completed and build my quilting confidence. Thanks!
