10th Day of Christmas Winner

She said, "This mini iron looks fantastic! It looks the absolute perfect size for ironing those seams. I would keep it close to my sewing machine so I didn't have to keep getting up to use the full-size iron."

Please email your shipping address to images@unitednotions.com


  1. hi! i just found this blog via pinterest. i've been a follower of the modabakeshop for over a year and never knew this blog existed. it is part of the same company, right? you should have links between the two. to much fun to only know about one of them :O)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Red is my favourite color. It fit's in my sewing room

  4. I need a splash of color on my cutting table!

  5. Dear Santa, Please leave me this new red cutting mat. My old one is soooo old and battered.

  6. Oh Santa please oh please give me a new cutting mat as my big one is all warped in the centre ! I discovered this is what happens when you use a steam iron over a towel on top of your cutting at !

  7. My mat is looking old and tired. A new red one would make for a happy Christmas!

  8. My mat is so old, and doesn't lay flat anymore! I could sure use a pretty new one!

  9. Red -- perfect! How fun this bright red mat would be to brighten up the sewing room during snowy, cold January! Thank you Santa!

  10. The mat in red is PERFECT!!!!! Match my hair ;) and christmas too!

  11. I have the Designer Diamond, the luggage is RED.. my whole House is RED and YELLOW.. I LOVE RED.. and the green mat I have now just doesn't go as good as this RED one would....

  12. I love Red. It inspires me.
    It reminds me to be fun in the colors I use to quilt.

  13. I love the color. I think this cutting mat will give me inspriration and help me when I'm working on a quilt.

  14. A red cutting with markings on both sides is just divine.Thank you Santa for helping Moda with this contest
