New Year...New Quilts

With the arrival of the new year it's definitely time to get organized for sewing and quilting in are a few ideas to get you started making the quilts and projects you've had on your mind.

First you'll want to do a little organizing...pull out the finished quilt tops that are ready for quilting and piece backings if necessary. Organize (or at least make a list of) your unfinished quilts or works in progress. Make a plan for how many of these projects you'll work on each month or each quarter of the new year. Having a "work in progress" sew day each week or month can really help get these project moving along.

I always like to do some organizing in my sewing room at the beginning of the year. Even if I just organize one or two areas things seem so much better. This year I tackled my thread (I literally had thread in bins from the 1980's when I was sewing a lot of clothes).  I went through every spool and even ended up with a bag of threads to donate.

Give high priority to the new things you want to try this year. Are there quilts you want to make? Make a list! Are there quilting or sewing techniques you'd like to learn? Write them down. How about fabric collections you want to sew with? Write those down too. You can even list the patterns or designs you're thinking about using with each collection. For about some half-square triangle block designs...Moda designer Camille Roskelley has a link on her blog to the pdf for 25 unique half-square triangle blocks each made using 16 hst's.

Be sure to save room on your list for some "spontaneous" sewing and quilting. Save time to join in a quilt-a-long or sewing challenge--there are many available on-line and through your local quilt shops.

Maybe this is the year you'll perfect the skill of piecing hexagons...

Or maybe you'll make your first Bella solids quilt. Whatever your goals and thoughts for sewing in the new year...take a little time to get organized, and then ready, set, sew!


  1. Yes! Wonderful advise! I sat down a few days ago and made my check list of all the things that needed finished and the new projects that I wanted to start. Since I had so many UFOs I vowed to complete them all before starting any new quilt.

    Now, let's just hope I can stick to that! Who doesn't love starting a new quilt?! :)

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  3. Lots of pretty eye candy in this post! Your piecing always looks so perfect

  4. With anticipation of the New Year, I slowly went through my sewing room and rearranged, donated, or purged a lot of stuff during December. Now if only I could wave a magic wand and have all those recently discovered quilt tops quilted!
