Moda Friendship Solids Sampler

Shortly before quilt market my Bella Solids Moda Friendship block sampler quilt returned home from the quilter (as you will see from these photos Natalia did an amazing job with the quilting on this). Since I've posted about this quilt from start to finish here on the Cutting Table blog I thought you might want to see a little of the finished quilt today.

This quilt was truly a journey for me; it was the first time in many years I'd sewn with only solids, and it made me realize how much I'd missed them. It was definitely a project I didn't want to finish because I was having so much fun with the process of choosing color combinations.

 I went with a solid Bella grey backing, and even though I auditioned some of my favorite bright solids for binding, the grey won out in the end.

 I usually start a project with a fabric stack in hand, but with this quilt I sort of planned week by week as I made 2-3 blocks at a time. As I took photos for blogging I tried to get a sense of what colors I wanted more of and which ones appeared in just the amount I was looking for. Of course there are color combinations that ended up being my favorites, but in the end I loved each part of this "puzzle."

Natalia's modern quilting and geometric accents really captured the look I was going for in this quilt. I know I learn from every quilt I make, and with this one I had fun playing with color and even more fun realizing how much I loved these solids!

 Just had to share a close up of some of this quilting...the contrast between the straight line quilting, the diamond shapes and the bubbles really was the perfect finish.

 Here are a few more photos...just for fun...

 For a little more information, you can find all the finishing details here.

 I hope there aren't too many photos on this post...there are just so many possibilities with solids. more...

 Thanks so much for following along on this journey. I'll be back in a couple of weeks with more ideas for 2 1/2" squares (did you see this 2 1/2" squares post?), and then in a month I'll be sharing my next project with....

the new Bella solids pictured above.

What are you planning to make with your Bella solids?


  1. I knew as soon as I started scrolling down through the pictures that Natalia quilted this! She did another amazing job. Your quilt finished up just lovely.

  2. The quilt is stunning Sherri! Awesome blocks and color selection and the quilting is just right! Thanks for all the great pictures - they inspire!

  3. What a beautiful quilt... I love solids!! When I started quilting over 30 years ago that is all I used. The quilting is outstanding.

  4. Your quilt and the quilting are beautiful. I enjoyed all of the pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Nice! I always like solids too and this is a nice refreshing quilt! I like the quilting too

  6. Such a darling quilt, so fun to see it all quilted up!!!

  7. This is so lovely! I don't quilt often with solids but this has inspired me.

  8. Beautiful, the quilt as well as the quilting!
    I love solids and my next solid-project will be either Disco or Night Sky (both 70patterns by Julie Herman))

  9. I love this quilt! It has really inspired me to make a solid quilt for myself. Thanks for all of the inspiring photos.

  10. I love solids (and neutrals) so much that often it is hard for me to cut them up to use ... doesn't that sound odd?? BEAUTIFUL quilt ... inspirational!

  11. What a lovely quilt! Love the impact of the solid colours with the traditional blocks. The quilting showcases everything perfectly...I'm inspired.
