Kim Polson

Today is
Kim Polson

Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Bridgeport, Ct. and left when I graduated High School. No plans to move back there.
How many years have you been in the industry?
I have been a Sales Rep. since 2001 So ten years, but 28 in the Craft Industry.
Favorite Hobbies...
traveling, quilting, scrap booking, gardening,Antiques and fishing. No couch potato here!
Tell a funny story about being on the road...
While traveling back to Germany on a business trip.  I got the last seat left on the plane. Of course, it was in the middle row and no way to get out.  I brought my CD player and a mask and just did not want to be bothered. The guy next to me was very nervous and wanted to talk. He said he was in trouble and was going back to face some consequences.  He never shut up all night .  Basically poured his heart out to me. (Do I look like a shrink?). When we landed they held the plane. Low and behold the Polizei boarded the plane and escorted him off with Machine guns. He was some big fugitive they had been looking for many years.  It made the front page of the German Papers and the nightly news.

One of my favorite Jobs....
 was working for the U.S. Army in Germany. I was a Arts and Crafts Director.We provided recreation for the spouses of Service men that were overseas or deployed.   It was the most fun and involved lots of traveling to other European cities and the US twice a year. We won Best Craft Shop Worldwide in 2000.
Name 5 things always found in your fridge?
 Romaine lettuce, Feta cheese, red onion, nuts and lemonade.
What was the best thing before sliced bread?
Suitcases with wheels. Otherwise, I would not be able to do my job.
Name 5 things on your bucket list...
 Have grandchildren,
Visit all 50 states. I think only 7 to go!
Visit Greece, Re tour all of Europe by back pack
Own and operate a Bed and Breakfast
Volunteer more.
Name three things you never leave home without...
 My debit card, clean underwear and my toothbrush.
Tell us something about you that most people don't know...
I am such a softy, I cry at Kleenex commercials.
My vice in life...
 Chocolate, thrift shops and always being busy.
One of my biggest accomplishments...
Having both kids graduate from college and not be in debt. 
If you were not a sales rep, what else would you do?
I would do my Quilt retreats full time. Check out
I collect...
I collect too many things . It would fill up this survey.
If you could create your own bumper sticker, it would read...
 " Get off the couch and enjoy life" would be my bumper sticker

but my license plate already says it all.
My motto is...
" If you want something done, ask a busy person " Ben Franklin


  1. Hey Kim! How wonderful to have a day in honor of such a wonderful person! Enjoy it. I will be in touch soon to let you know how our move to Jacksonville goes. Take care if Becky at Blue Bee for me!


  2. Love my mom!!! So proud of her! Maybe if she takes me on a trip to greece I'll give her grandkids one the very far future!!!

  3. Great interview! You deserve the recognition. You've been and are a busy girl!

    Thanks for all you do,
    auntie ju's quilt shoppe

  4. Congratulations! I STILL miss having you as my next door neighbor and it's been 5 six years now! :( So Happy for you, though! Love, Sharon :)

  5. The BEST Moda Rep ever. Always a joy to have Kim stop by.

  6. We love Kim! She is such a professional and so knowledgeable. Her enthusiasm is infectious in a good way!
    Carol Britt
    Batiks Etcetera & Sew What Fabrics
