Share the JOY

It's that time of year again! 

'Tis the season for peppermint mochas, ugly sweaters, holiday parties, Christmas presents and pants that don't fit quite like they used to. 

As much as I love all of those things (minus the pants not fitting), it's the people I get to enjoy them with that I love the most. 

There are those people in all of our lives that just seem to make life more joyful.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of this season I like to take time to reflect 
over the past year and ask myself if I am I who I want to be? 
Did I spend my time this year wisely? 
Did I love people well?
Have I been one of those people who adds joy to others lives?

I firmly believe in the quote by John Greenleaf Whittier that says, 
"Somehow, not only for Christmas, But all the long year through, the joy that you give to others, is the joy that comes back to you. And the more you spend in blessing, the poor and lonely and sad, the more of your heart's possessing, returns to you glad."

We believe we all possess the gift of joy in different ways. 
We've asked a few people who have this special gift to share their stories of joy with us. 

 We hope you will join us by leaving comments telling us what joy means to you or how
you share joy with others. 

The lovely Kate Spain will be with us tomorrow so be sure to stop back by! 


  1. Indeed! Joy is the most precious gift any one can have or receive. So my recent joy giving was while eating at Burger King with my momma(grouchy always). Little paper crowns were on every table. Well of course I put it on, and ate my lunch. Also I encouraged other adults to join me in my princess moment and put on their crowns. A few giggles and grins came from the rest of the patrons. Mission accomplished, mom finally smiled when an older gentleman asked her if I was her daughter and shook his head, they had a good chuckle at my silly crown. She said "that ole man thought you were nuts!" My reply...he smiled, he'll tell his buddies at the VA tonight, he'll tell his son or daughter, and he'll be smiling when he tells it. And maybe he'll join in the fun the next time he comes to Burger King. He'll always remember the crazy older lady wearing a kids paper crown while eating her lunch. Joy is free to anyone who wants it, and I want tons of it for me and others.

  2. We all need to carry joy with us wherever we go. I get together once; sometimes twice a week with 4 other sewing friends to create and have some laughs. We get some sewing done but lots of laughs in there!! It is such a joy to share creating and laughs with old and new friends....keeping it up through the months!!

  3. I got a huge burst of joy seeing your husband's Texas A&M shirt in your Christmas card! We live in Aggieland, which, as you know, has a spirit like none other.

  4. A big ole hug (human contact) and a "It is so good to see you, Rachel!"

    2 simple acts that never cease to bring joy.

  5. Today, my joy is the birth of my granddaughter, Roxanna, at 8:13 this morning! After a very difficult pregnancy, both Roxie and her mama are doing fine. ;)

  6. I have found this time of year that just saying thank you to someone who is waiting on you is a source of joy to that person who often deals with impatient and crabby people.Joy is sitting with the Christmas tree lights on and sipping hot chocolate while Christmas music is playing.

  7. Today my Joy is laught with my hubby and know my father is better.

  8. Joy: creating things for family and friends with my machine. Not only do I quilt but I make cosplay costumes for both my adult kids and myself. The joy of creating something out of an idea.
