Joyful joyful...

I’m two for two. 

I’m asked if I would do something and my answer is “Sure!  I can do that!” 

Then the panic sets in… uh oh, what have I just agreed to do?  The first time turned out pretty well because it was just a matter of figuring out some buttons on a website, and okay, I had some help with that.  This time… I’m a little worried.  Write about joy…

I looked for inspiration in some of my favorite quotes...

That's nice but it didn't apply.  Then I worried that I might be confusing “happiness” with “joy”... are you seeing why this was such a challenge for me?

In the end, it came down to this – what gives me joy are “life” moments, especially those I've experienced in the past year or so.  Some are quiet, some are big and noisy – those frequently seem to involve Rosie – and some are unexpected.  Many of those came from you.

When I started Miss Rosie's Quilt Co., I had a simple goal – to subsidize my quilting hobby.  I never imagined the grand adventure it would take me on – or the opportunities it would bring me.  While I will always treasure the friendships I've been fortunate to make along the way, two joys came along that I couldn't have foreseen, and for which I will be profoundly grateful.

First, it’s you.  Whether in person or via the amazing online community of quilters, I have loved being able to meet so many sweet, kind, funny, caring, generous, wonderful people.  I love the cards, notes, e-mails and pictures you send, and I am honored and deeply touched that you have let me be a part of your life.  That you sometimes choose a Rosie-pattern to make a wedding, graduation or baby gift is humbling… and yes, that brings me joy.    

The second "joy" was my Mom.  Many of you know that I lost my mother a few months ago and while I still get a little sad and miss her, I was truly blessed to be able to take care of her the past few years.  This "job" allowed me to do that, and you helped make that possible.  Being a caregiver was a choice, one I made freely and without regret.  And despite the occasional challenge, there were so many more joyful moments.   We talked, we reminisced and we laughed, especially about some of the indignities of growing old.  Like… why do I have a black hair growing on my ear?!  That’s just wrong.

As it was with my Dad several years ago, it was a gift to be there for my parents at the end of their lives just as they had been there for the beginning of mine.  It reminded me – and my amazing brother – that life goes on… that we all have sadness and sorrow in our lives but it is how we choose to accept it that creates who we are.  Everything in our life is a choice.  While we might not have any choice in what happens to us, how we choose to deal with it, and how we choose to live is.   

You also know about my sweet Rosie.  (That's her "Carrie is evil for making me wear this thing" expression.)  She too is getting old and her limitations have given her a heartbreakingly sweet vulnerability.  As it was with my Mom, there is so much joy in being able to take care of her and just be there for her. 

I am reminded that for all of us - two-legged and four-legged creatures - our spirit is our gift.  To ourselves and to others - and there is joy in knowing that some things don't change.  Rosie will always be a goof.

As for the rest, let it suffice to say that I have always been well and truly blessed.  I have a brother I adore – he is without a doubt the very best person I know – and dear friends that I know would bail me out of any jail in the middle of the night.  I have "work" that I love... though it always seems odd to call it that.  And I find extraordinary joy in the notion that "life" still holds infinite possibilities.     

What more do I need? 

Nope.  I don't even need George.

There's really only one more thing I can think of...

This is Figgy Pudding.  It's a Schnibble made with a wonderful Christmas collection by Polly and Laurie, Minick and Simpson.

That silly elf pictured above said to tell you that we'll be giving this away later over on La Vie En Rosie.  It could be at your house by December 24th.  


  1. You have a wonderful attitude about life and death. I wish you and Rosie a very merry Christmas and nothing but the best for the upcoming year.

  2. WOW!! You have such a wonderful way of looking at life...and death! Warms my heart!! I hope you and Rosie have a JOYous and Merry Christmas!!

  3. I like your take on spirit. And family, whether two legged or four. Cherishing those we love is truly a joyful gift. I'm sure your mom and dad cherished you!

  4. Carrie, this is such a beautiful post. It made me happy and sad. I have know the loss of parents and the joy of watching my hubby care for his aging parents. It really is a blessing to give back to them all the love they gave to us. I don't have any siblings, but my hubby is my best friend, and goodness what would my life have been like without him! Thanks so much for sharing your heart. May your Christmas be FULL of JOY and PEACE.
    {{{{ }}}}

  5. Such a beautiful post ... THANK YOU for sharing that part of yourself with us. We do LOVE you and your writing today has given be pause to look around and take in all the simple things in my life that truly give me JOY ... my dearest husband, my beloved Sadie Ann (rescue dog), my mom, sisters, nieces and nephew ... along with so many friends and neighbors who are just the BEST one could ask for. They give me so much JOY and are such a blessing. God bless YOU and give you peace, comfort and JOY in the coming new year! Linda

  6. Thanks for sharing - that was beautiful!!!

  7. Thank you Carrie for pointing us all to find joy in the people and dear pets and friends around us. especially these last few weeks it's hard to look past all the errands and projects. And most of all thank you for sharing yourself so loving. It's always a pleasure to visit.

  8. You always have such a wonderful way with words...most especially, I think, because your words come from the heart. Thanks so much for sharing this!

  9. Thank you for reaffirming the joyful things in life - those we love and love us. I will hold that in my heart as I drive 750 miles to spend Christmas with my 92 year old dad so he won't be alone on Christmas (even though he tells me he really isn't alone). Have a blessed Christmas and spectacular new year!

  10. happy holidays and may they be peaceful and cheery

  11. Thank you, Carrie, for sharing yourself with all of us. Hope you have a peaceful Christmas.

  12. Very touching, thank you for sharing your joy and Merry Christmas to you and your sweet Rosy. Blessings and smiles, Emilou :-)

  13. What brings me joy is the love of my family and  friends 

    and that we all stay healthy and safe, and of coarse

    QUILTING !!!  : ○ ♡♡♡


     TOO ALL☆☆

  14. I love you and Rosie even more after reading what Joy means to you. You know you've got a friend in me. Forever my Crack Pot friend!!

  15. You write so beautifully Carrie. Thank you for sharing what you are grateful for. It makes me consider my life in a better, brighter way. Except for Ozzie. I think he is some sort of karmic lesson for me in this life.

  16. What a profound statement. You need to know that you bring us joy as well. Thank you for being "Carrie".

  17. Ditto. I really enjoy your posts and photos, especially of food and Rosie. Ok, and the quilts. Hope you have a nice holiday.
